His death was unexpected and hard to digest. Like most people I was not prepared for everything that the death of a loved one implicates. My journey through grief took me places I had not anticipated or foreseen. It changed me into another version of me, today I’m definitely more compasioned and open. It showed me that there is no right way to anything, and neither is there only one way. Judgement has it’s utility but it also has a tendency to take over. I can honestly say that I grew from my grief, which may sound strange, but to me it was deeply revealing how my pain and despair gave me a sensitivity, empathy and awareness that other wise I might not have experienced.
I’ve learned the hard way, I can only hope that reading my book will inspire people to look at me and say; Because of you and your book I didn’t give up.
Why I wrote my book Without Goodbye😊
08/03/2017 by fleur
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